Koptík J. (2011): Floristický a vegetační průzkum šesti opuštěných vojenských výcvikových prostorů v západních Čechách. Erica 18: 49-82
Abandoned military training areas (MTAs) are recently being increasingly noticed
by conservationists because of their unusually high biodiversity. The cause
of this fact lies in the character of army use, which provided the disappearing aspects
in contemporary “ordinary” landscape – irregular, patchy disturbations in
rather oligotrophic conditions. However, a significant deterioration of valuable
habitats following the abandonment of MTAs can be currently observed. The
article summarizes the results of a survey of the vascular plants and the plant
communities in six abandoned MTAs in west Bohemia, and evaluates the conservation
value of these sites based on the presence of endangered plant species and
habitats. In total, 439 species of vascular plants were identified, 26 of those (6%)
are red-listed. Out of the 29 distinguished habitats (vegetation units), 59% were
red-listed, however, they accounted only for 1/8 of total area. The most significant
species found in four sites was Lathyrus nissolia, a critically endangered species
with obvious affinity to former military land. The studied areas were found to
possess a conservation value from the botanical point of view, in spite of significant
degradation caused by the absence of management. As a priority site for active
management introduction, the former MTA near Dobřany was evaluated.